July 2021 Newsletter
/Greetings, Extraspecialterrestrials!
I hope you are all safe and well. As I write this, a good portion of Australia is in lockdown. I’m happy to do whatever it takes to keep people safe. While we patiently wait this thing out, how about we focus on book giveaways? There are four you need to know about!
Goodreads Giveaway
My publisher is running a giveaway for US-based readers from July 6 to August 5, 2021. Five print copies of UNDER THE MILKY WAY are up for grabs! Enter here.
Cover Selfie Challenge
To help spread the word about my book, several extraspecialterrestrials have signed up to take part in my selfie cover challenge. This was set to take flight in July. But after going into lockdown, I've decided to change the timeline of the challenge in order give people more time to get their alien on. I would lovepeople to post anytime from August 1 onwards. Are you up for the challenge? You could win a signed copy of my book for your troubles. Click here for full deets:
Reader Appreciation Month
July is all about you — readers! This month, Entangled Teen authors will line up in droves to show how we much we appreciate your support. We wouldn’t be here without you! Be sure to follow @entangledteen on Instagram so you don’t miss out on fun vids and, yes, giveaways!
Subscriber Giveaway
There’s one more giveaway and it requires zero effort. As a subscriber, you’re automatically in the draw to win an exclusive prize pack which includes an UNDER THE MILKY WAY book bag, signed paperback, Milky Way chocolate bars, and a one-of-a-kind UFO Spotter’s Notebook. A winner will be randomly chosen and contacted by email on August 1.
Till next time, stay safe…and keep your eyes on the skies!
~ Vanessa
Preorder the Entangled Teen paperback or e-book from these fine places now:
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