Alex has six months to live.
Molly has six months to save him.
Molly Corbett can’t stand seeing her childhood pal Alex Gibson destroy himself. He’s gone from straight-A student to rebel without a cause. With so much at stake, some serious interference is called for—or at least Micromanaging Molly thinks so. Alex needs to get back on the path to the Ivy League. But the harder Molly pushes Alex, the harder he pushes back.
Alex has a secret. Well, two secrets.
Number one: He has terminal melanoma. With six months to live, Alex hasn’t got a second to waste. And hanging around hospitals when his friends think he’s cutting school definitely counts as wasted time. Instead, he’s going to drop out, surf, drive fast cars…and finally put secret number two out there. He’s in love with Molly and he’s going to tell her before it’s too late.
2017 Aspen Gold Reader's Choice Award Finalist
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Praise for Live Fast Die Young
"Edgy, yet wonderfully tender, LIVE FAST, DIE YOUNG sent me to reader heaven!"
— Tina Ferraro, author the ABCs of KISSING BOYS
"Uplifting and moving!"
— Anna Campbell, multi-award-winning author of historical romance
"I'm so impressed with how Vanessa can pack so much emotion into such a short space. A quick read, and immensely satisfying."
— Pintip Dunn, New York Times bestselling author of FORGET TOMORROW
More Reviews
“This story is tragic and beautiful. It can be hard to connect to characters in novellas sometimes because of the limited number of pages you have to get to know them. Vanessa Barneveld portrayed these characters seamlessly. I got to know them and grew to care for them. If you want a short, well-written, tragically beautiful story look no further. -- Caroline, Amazon reviewer
"Vanessa Barneveld has captured the mindset and thought processes of the characters and real life teenagers. It is a cute, short story." — Michelle Randall for Readers Favorite
"You do feel like you’re in the mind of young teenagers." — Gill, Goodreads/NetGalley reviewer
"I cried a lot! I knew it's going to be something worth reading and I was right. The story of love and death at a very young age of seventeen will break your heart to pieces." — Sabina, Goodreads/NetGalley reviewer
"It's written very well, and the characters have a very realistic teen vibe to them." — Bobbie, Goodreads/NetGalley reviewer
"This was a really sweet book. If you are coping with a tough issue, such as cancer, with a teenager, this would be a good book to have them read to understand some of the little stuff behind the big stuff." — Evie, educator/NetGalley reviewer
"A nice blend of humor and emotion, with a realistic teen voice." — Soren, Ripley's Booklist
"Tender love story. This is a heartwarming tale of two teenagers and how they deal with life's curve ball. I really hated for this book to end." - NanaCav, Amazon reviewer
"A short story with a big impact." — Sue Holmes @Crushingcinders, Amazon reviewer